Friday, September 26, 2014


To be honest people, I am a gleek!! How can you hate a music club that is struggling and achieve its dream in the process. OMG, I remember how much I love Finn. RIP. I love their songs and they are the best.

Glee is the best. The whole season is about teenage drama and I know that I am no longer a teenager but I miss does drama. I used to watch glee every week and I love it more than ever. The song don't stop believing is the best. Lea Michele have the best vocal in glee. Holla!! Especially Puck !!! The baddest boy in glee oh god. My fangirl inside of me is screaming hahaha!!

Can't wait for season 6 omg omg omg !!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Best Birthday Ever!!!

    Happy belated birthday to me !! Oh yea! I can say that life is super funny but there is one thing for sure. When you are comfortable with yourself, the people surrounding you will be attracted to the real you and not the fake you. Last birthday, I swallow my pride and change my ways to be more sociable and ended up with a not so grand birthday. Compared to this year, last year was a bit at the disadvantage.

    On my 20th birthday, I got around 4 cakes, 1 ice cream, 1 dinner for my birthday. I thankfully to those who gave me all these wonders in the world. If it wasn't for exam, I would be crying my ass off for getting such kind gestures because normally its the other side. Normally, I will be the one giving these kind gestures but never get anything in return like last year. But karma do work and what goes around come back around. I even got my first present after 3 years of no birthday present. OMG its my favourite pikachu characther. 

     When I got the pikachu, I nearly cried as for the first time someone actually care me and took notice of what I like in life. There is always a few reasons why I love pikachu.

1) Pikachu was the underdog in the whole series in the beginning but become like the main lead in the later series. I was an underdog in school for academic performance, athleticism  and society works but I try my best to learn and learn and become the best.

2) Pikachu didn't ever change although evolving to Raichu would make him look stronger but he never change himself. I don't want to change myself to look stronger. I know that I am stronger.

3) Pikachu is a great friend. There was a moment that Ash got frozen and pikachu stay by his side and cry. His tears shown his true friendship to Ash. I want to make all my friendship just like his. To stand by their side and support them whenever they in trouble!

     What a great day to have my birthday!! The moment you feel when all your problems just disappear and your friends are there to celebrate with you is the best feeling in the world. Tonight, I watch some fireworks and had the biggest joke in my life when my friend told the bus driver to masuk pagar. She pratically just ask the bus driver to go through the gated part of the hostel. If these kind of happy days can last forever, I wish it can be so happy everyday !! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

You are part of a clique

      As usual my morning starts with a cup of coffee and today I had to eat instant noodles as my bicycle is still traumatized by the accident yesterday. My morning always start with me switching the laptop on and looking at my facebook wall. My friend share a website on what kind of friend are you? I click on it and did a few quiz and I got  You are part of a clique

      Friendships are what make life so enjoyable. The friends you've got are often people you have known for a long time, who have stuck with you through thick and thin. You form a loyal little gang who protect each other and care for each other. You can be frank with each other and you know how to pull together during difficult times. Your friends keep you grounded and you're never bored when they’re around. They are affectionate and fun and there is a positive energy in the air when you spend time together. You all understand that it's the quality of the time you spend together, not the quantity, that counts. You enjoy meeting up and look forward to it when the occasion arises. You prepare for it in an almost ritualistic manner, each member of the group with their own important role. You gel together well because of mutual respect for your loyal, warm ‘second family’. Friendship is precious to you and is a vital part of your journey through life. You know that it is something to be shared, and that you must cultivate your friendships with love.

You are part of a clique was something I think I got as this totally remind me of me and my high school friends. Man I miss them. Why can't life be like this? When I am with them, I feel so alive. No hiding of my true self. I could blast each one of them without caring as they are people who knows I am not there to hurt them. Oh yea! At least I had such a friendship!!!

Its ups and downs

     Life sure have a funny way to tell us how we go through our ups and downs. I surely experience my ups and downs in one day which is today. Today, I could tell you that I had the most magical day but also one of the many unfortunate days in my life. Well, normally I like to hear the bad news first then the good news cause that just my way. After hearing the bad news, I will feel sad but when I heard the good news, oh boy my mood will just swing back up to happy.

     So, lets start with the sad news first. Firstly, my freaking bicycle got hit and run by a university-mate. My rim and tire got bang so hard that it actually bend. I had to pay for the full sum of the repair as the girl that bang me just ran away after I said my bicycle can't move. Thank every god in the universe that I didn't fall as I had an exam to sit that afternoon.
    The second sad news of the day is that this is my first exam paper that I didn't know what I was writing. I was completely went bonkers when I saw the paper. I could hear my course mates saying 'Fuck my life' upon opening the exam paper. The exam paper was literally a killing machine with nothing from the lecture notes and everything from your common sense.
    The third bad news today was that I found out that I was an ignorant fool who thought I was a great friend but ended up like who I did not want to be. Words spoken can not be taken back. I shouldn't be the one pulling her down or criticizing her when she is down. I thought I was helping but as usual my thoughts don't matter. I should be the one listening to her and just shut up. But I did the utmost opposite like 180 degree. Was I too stress out and I release to her? Or that I couldn't shut up for just 20 minutes. I hate this part of me thinking that I know what's best when I did the utmost worst.

    Okay done with the bad news, I am going to talk about the good news that happen to me today cause there is no point sulking but just thinking that tomorrow is going to be a better day. Well, my first good news today is that I finally understand the meaning of same mind. When your friend and you saw something sexy today and you could understand what is she trying to tell you after it. I miss this kind of moments as it used to happen to me in high school but in university it tends to lessen.           Besides that, I was happy today because I finally got a whole birthday cake today. It been 3 years I had my birthday cake. When I saw my birthday cake, I tried to resist my tears as I know the boys celebrating with me will be laughing their ass off if I cry. They prepared dinner and I finally feel so appreciated in life. They not only bought my favourite type of cake which is black forest flavour but they gave me red eggs. My mother don't even cook red eggs for me. I was so touched by their efforts.      The last good news of the day is that I had a chance to lessen my mistake. I know what I did was bad and I regret it. But there is like one chance for me to lessen my mistake and I rather do it although I had to sacrifice my beauty sleep for it cause I know at least I tried my best to lessen my mistake. Although I am not sure if I really did help her, at least I feel better than to regret like the few past days.

Life is funny sometimes but remember to crave the good memories on rocks and draw bad ones on sand as sand can be blown by the wind and disappear but good memories will be harder to go away!

Monday, September 1, 2014


     There was a quote out there that states " If you have the power to make somebody happy, do it! The world need more of this." I try my best to preach this teaching. Although some maybe in fail state but I will try my best to continue making people happy. Happiness is something so bliss that even the rich can't buy it but those who cherish the small infinities have it.

     Last week, I had the power to make somebody happy. Although it was my study week, I still become somebody's listener. He told me that he never told anyone all of these and it had burden him for a long time since young. He told me he don't know why but when he see me, he feel like telling everything to me. I could tell him no and say that i want to study my studies. But then, I had the power to reduce someone ache in their heart. In the end he told me his whole life story for 5 straight hours. 3 days later, I ask him whether he gets emotional after my chat with him. He gleefully told me "No". He said that he didn't feel emotional after I talk and listen to him. I was on paradise cloud as I helped somebody.

   Come to think of it, the feeling of helping someone surpass the feeling of getting 4.0 in exam. I mind my studies but I mind more on people happiness. However, I will still love myself so that I can spread the love to people. Besides that, I became another person listener just a few days ago. He was on the verge of depression. When I talk to him, I could feel that he was the old me. The person who sees life has no meaning and that life is always painful. I tried my best to help him. The funniest thing he told me one time was that I seem to have a light above me when I was talking to him and that he need to see me so that he will not become nervous. My face blush when he told me this. I am not an angel sent down from earth. I am a human who spend some of my time to make people happy.

     If I can make one more person happy, I will be glad. I may seem like a annoying pest who keep disturbing your life and asking for your condition but deep down I want to pull you up and hold on to you so that you will not fall to the depth of loneliness, despair and heartache. Don't worry, I can manage myself as I had seen the depth of those and I vow not to enter there again as its pitch black but I don't want you to fall. Let me help you! If you want to be alone, I am okay but please don't be alone and think that you are a failure and a waste of space on Earth for too long. Don't enter that black path! It may seem hard to jump to the light path but please if you need anything just call me and I will be your listener and your guide.