Saturday, September 6, 2014

Its ups and downs

     Life sure have a funny way to tell us how we go through our ups and downs. I surely experience my ups and downs in one day which is today. Today, I could tell you that I had the most magical day but also one of the many unfortunate days in my life. Well, normally I like to hear the bad news first then the good news cause that just my way. After hearing the bad news, I will feel sad but when I heard the good news, oh boy my mood will just swing back up to happy.

     So, lets start with the sad news first. Firstly, my freaking bicycle got hit and run by a university-mate. My rim and tire got bang so hard that it actually bend. I had to pay for the full sum of the repair as the girl that bang me just ran away after I said my bicycle can't move. Thank every god in the universe that I didn't fall as I had an exam to sit that afternoon.
    The second sad news of the day is that this is my first exam paper that I didn't know what I was writing. I was completely went bonkers when I saw the paper. I could hear my course mates saying 'Fuck my life' upon opening the exam paper. The exam paper was literally a killing machine with nothing from the lecture notes and everything from your common sense.
    The third bad news today was that I found out that I was an ignorant fool who thought I was a great friend but ended up like who I did not want to be. Words spoken can not be taken back. I shouldn't be the one pulling her down or criticizing her when she is down. I thought I was helping but as usual my thoughts don't matter. I should be the one listening to her and just shut up. But I did the utmost opposite like 180 degree. Was I too stress out and I release to her? Or that I couldn't shut up for just 20 minutes. I hate this part of me thinking that I know what's best when I did the utmost worst.

    Okay done with the bad news, I am going to talk about the good news that happen to me today cause there is no point sulking but just thinking that tomorrow is going to be a better day. Well, my first good news today is that I finally understand the meaning of same mind. When your friend and you saw something sexy today and you could understand what is she trying to tell you after it. I miss this kind of moments as it used to happen to me in high school but in university it tends to lessen.           Besides that, I was happy today because I finally got a whole birthday cake today. It been 3 years I had my birthday cake. When I saw my birthday cake, I tried to resist my tears as I know the boys celebrating with me will be laughing their ass off if I cry. They prepared dinner and I finally feel so appreciated in life. They not only bought my favourite type of cake which is black forest flavour but they gave me red eggs. My mother don't even cook red eggs for me. I was so touched by their efforts.      The last good news of the day is that I had a chance to lessen my mistake. I know what I did was bad and I regret it. But there is like one chance for me to lessen my mistake and I rather do it although I had to sacrifice my beauty sleep for it cause I know at least I tried my best to lessen my mistake. Although I am not sure if I really did help her, at least I feel better than to regret like the few past days.

Life is funny sometimes but remember to crave the good memories on rocks and draw bad ones on sand as sand can be blown by the wind and disappear but good memories will be harder to go away!

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