Thursday, January 8, 2015

Life is full of surprises

     Life is truly funny. Just when you think your boring life couldn't be anymore boring, something funny will appear in front of you. You will tend to remember such funny situation when your life journey ends. Yesterday was truly amazing day. I woke up as usual the late morning hours and went to my program meeting. We were practicing to dance to Happy by Pharell Williams and Waka waka by Shakira. If you ask the younger me, I would tell you that I hate dancing. Although I still hate it as I was bad in it, I found the fun of it. Dancing with the funniest people was the best. We laugh like hell but after 3 hours of torment practices, we all fell to the floor out of exhaustion. From that moment, I knew that dancing is hard but its fun.

     After my meeting, I went to New Town as usual to buy dinner. Just along the way, there was an indian girl. She was blocking my road and as I was exhausted, I didn't call her to move aside. She saw me and said sorry. I was going to pass her till I heard

"Can you fetch me to New Town?"

I replied "  Sure, if you want" thinking that she will refuse it.

"Can I?" She answer

I didn't expect that answer and fell down when I turn back to her. 'Great I fell down again from the bicycle' my mind was whispering to me. My palm and arm was slightly bruised and she rushed to me. The funny thing was that after that minute, I was fetching her on the back of my bicycle. She was a new student in Utar and studying Pr. Funny how my usual ordinary day turn out. I met a new person on that day

     After coming back to my room, I found out that my result was released and I saw that I was awarded with president list. I was happy that finally after all my hardwork, I finally got something back for myself. Truth be told, my life journey will never be boring if I close to myself. If I hadn't join any event, if I hadn't ride that girl back home and if I hadn't work my butt of to get good result, my life will continue to be boring.

PS to myself: Try new experience, you will never know what you can get!!

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