Thursday, December 24, 2009

the result day!!!

what a day!! i got up and my hand was trembeling with fear about my result. i even took the wrong clothes to wear. i found my myself in school after a blink of an eye. i did not know that the result day would be so fast. then the teachers gather us in lines. datin told us that our school have 132 students who got straight A in their pmr. all of us scream. then i took my result while trembling. i had this deep relieve in my head about the result. i saw 7A and 4 cemerlang kerja kursus. then i ask other people and most of them got 7A.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

dong zhi festival

{~dong zhi
well, today is one of the important day of the Chinese calendar. yes it is the dong zhi festival. today everybody in the entire world is going to celebrate this celebration. we have to eat it this. once we eat this, we grow one year older. this food is cooked differently in other place. some cooked it for dessert others for dinner. it a celebration which children likes it. dong zhi can be combined with many ingredient but my favourite is gula melaka. the gula melaka will melt in your mouth. dong zhi also symbolises reunion which many people will go back to their parents house to eat this delicious delicacy. some people would put dong zhi inside a soy bean drink to enhance the sweetness. that all for today. happy dong zhi day!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

train journey to midvalley

today, i was excited to go to the midvalley shopping mall by train. my brother and i had to be together for this journey. then my mother sent me to the train station in subang jaya. i was just about to walk in when i saw a line of people at the ticket counter. i slowly waited for my turn. when i reached my turn i bought a two way ticket to midvalley from subang jaya. it is all just rm8. i waited for the train for 20 minutes. when i saw the train , it was pack. its like sardine in a sardine can. then i went to kl sentral to change to platform 6. the waiting begins. when i reach midvalley i was shock that many people are visiting it today. so we went to look at the jewelry shop but failed. we then later went in mph bookstore

i was finding for beading book until i saw a familiar face.
'that's pearl's friend'
she was promoting me to buy a book in mph called the last chapter. she said it was for a good cause. the money will be given to treat children with diseases. so i bought the book.

we came out to find food as my brothers stomach was rumbling. we went to the food junction to eat. we ate sizzling hot plate. then we decided to go to a movie since there is nobody at the counter. i wanted to watch the new movie storm warriors II.

i was kinda fun but the noise that disturbs me was irritating. one of it was people eating and laughing. after the movie, nature calls. i had to go to the toilet. when i was waiting for my turn, i saw my friend tok, she told me that she was going to see this movie later and i said i just saw it.

later, my mom wanted us to go back. on my way to the train, i saw some funny looking donut. i wanted to buy them. when my brother and i reached the train station, we heard the train whistle. i quickly urge me brother to hurry up but his ice cream melted. i panicked and scolded my brother. thankfully it is not my ride. then we entered the train. the train was more cramp than the last train.

shortly after that we reach our subang station. i and my brother was going to go out when my brother could not go through although he put in his ticket. i nearly got an heart attack from my brother's action. fortunately the ticket collector saw that incident and help my brother to go through . thats my trip to midvalley.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

an awful trip to tanjung sepat

today i went to tanjung sepat to attend a wedding. the roads are horrible. its bumpy and narrow. we were like sitting on a ship. the direction given by us was too general like the mamak shop and the chinese temple. why? because there are more than one mamak shop and chinese temple on that road. when we reach there, we smell a fetid stance. my mom told me that the sea was polluted with pig faeces. i wanted to vomit. then the restaurant was open air unlike what it was wrote on the card which was TJ. SEPAT RESTAURANT (AIR-COND). me and my brother was finding any air-cond but none. then the worst of all, toilets. it was beside the sea. when you go in, you will find that the door is small and there is no flusher. it only have a bucket of water to use. i regretted using high heels. then the food is served. the food was not fresh at all. you can feel a bitter taste in it especially the fish. i did not know the custom there so i turn the fish and my mom warned me that by turning the fish means wanting the boat to fall.

for entertaiment they put old and very classical hokkien song. then there is a old man. at first he dance a little bit but later he started to dance like a drunken man and his grandchildren was video taping him. i and my brother laughed. but there was something good when a marriage is held in the rural area that is they start early and end early. we started and 6.30pm and end at 8.30 pm while in the town start at 8.30pm and end at 12.30pm.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

a trip to petaling street

today, i went to petaling trip to buy some beads. my mum use to say that she was 10years old when she first visited petaling street. there you can see many venders selling bags shoes and others stuff. in petaling street, you can find many mouth watering food such as wan tan mee, yam puff and roasted duck. the roast duck shop is called four eye boy's shop (sze ngai chai) this duck recipe has been pass down since three generation. when you bite the duck's meat you will feel some sort of juice coming from it. my family members love it so much that they order the whole duck. then we went to a baking shop. my mother used to buy her wedding cake from that shop. i bought many bread like wife bun, redbean bun, century egg bun and lotus bun. then i went to mcdonald to eat. while we are eating, my mother wanted to go to the toilet. there was two tourist there. they were waiting for their turn. apparently there was a woman who came out already but the tourist did not want to come out because the sign wrote boys only. later, the toilet which has the woman sign started to open, to all our shock its a man in it. my mother told the tourist "it unisex". and all of us giggled. my mother and i went back home sitting the LRT train.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

8th december

today , i went to kim's house again to do beading. she told me that her aunt will not come to her house which was a relief to us. she always keep a very close eye on us. then she will lecture us about things that we don't want to hear. when i was listening to her, my ears was screaming. i was glad that she is not in today. so we decided to go to taipan to eat and ask kim to belanja me. on the way...

"is that my aunt" asks kim
where,where i reply
omg she is here.

then her kancil car stop in front of us. i was devasted i wanted to scream at kim and tell her that we would had been in the restaurant if we do not need to wait for her.
we did text sign to each other. later when we went back i was eating my mango rice. while eating her aunt was telling me the cause of diabetes. oh my ears. wat a day man!! i really think this is a joke from god.

Monday, December 7, 2009

a rough beginning

today, i was thinking of going to mayfair and learn beading. when i arrive there, one of the workers was chatting on the phone. then, i bought some beads which costs RM51. it was hell of a price. thinking that it is the lowest price , i continue beading the beads. when i finish it, i wanted to do more than that so i ask them. i asks them to teach me to bead a pendant but they do not know. after that i called my mother and asks her to fetch me to kim's house. thinking that she might know how to make a pendant. i asks her why is the beads so expensive. she told me that i could buy a cheaper one . i was furious that the worker sell me an expensive one. then i learn a couple of thing from kim. she was laughing at me that i bought a more expensive bead. but she told me its the same for her in the beginning

this was the bead i made in the shop

and this was the bead i made with kim. it was so hard to make it

is it true love or puppy love?

most of us known songs from taylor swift. she is the one made us believe that true love exist in young age. we can not say it is wrong. many adults disagree to this fact that young love is true love. we as the future leaders had been told that young love is puppy love. is that mean when we are old it means true love. no. because the divorce rate in the country has increase tremendously. so does it mean love is unjudgeable . yes. we have no right to say that this love is puppy love or true love.

when we love someone, we always say its true love. the meaning of puppy love means love that has lack of commitment which many of our teens are doing it right now. if you are out there, hear me now at this vunlerable age, the opposite sex is just using you to occupy their time. you do not need to sacrifice your time or even body for them; they will not have enough commitment to share their life with you. if you think he love you, then you do not need to sacrifice for him .

so, the feeling of love is still unknown to all of us. but one thing for sure; that love bites.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

the ugly truth

as time passes our brief life each day, we have to learn many things. this little girl learns that the lessons she learn has change her. LOGICAL AND RASIONAL THINKING is what our parents teach us each day.

but she had two person which she can be childish with. firstly was her japanese teacher who loves buzzlightyear from the a disney production. while the girl was in japan; a foreign country, she had help her. after the girl went back to malaysia , she went to study in england. when the teacher was there, she will sent postcard every semester to her student. but after a few years , the girl received a letter stated that the teacher is going to marry. she wish her congrat in her next card. unfortunately, the girl's teacher never written back.

there is another person which she always like to talk her problem to. that person apparently is still child in mind which makes it easier to comunicate unlike her parents. that person was getting married when her basketball tournament was on. she recall the incident with her japanese teacher so she declined the offer to go to her wedding

when she saw her yesterday with her baby, she knew that person had change. she was no longer a child but a mother. she dared not to comunicate with her because she was afraid of that ugly truth ..