Monday, December 7, 2009

a rough beginning

today, i was thinking of going to mayfair and learn beading. when i arrive there, one of the workers was chatting on the phone. then, i bought some beads which costs RM51. it was hell of a price. thinking that it is the lowest price , i continue beading the beads. when i finish it, i wanted to do more than that so i ask them. i asks them to teach me to bead a pendant but they do not know. after that i called my mother and asks her to fetch me to kim's house. thinking that she might know how to make a pendant. i asks her why is the beads so expensive. she told me that i could buy a cheaper one . i was furious that the worker sell me an expensive one. then i learn a couple of thing from kim. she was laughing at me that i bought a more expensive bead. but she told me its the same for her in the beginning

this was the bead i made in the shop

and this was the bead i made with kim. it was so hard to make it

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