Monday, December 23, 2013

A Trip to Langkawi

    A couple of days ago, I went to the eagle island which is Pulau Langkawi. Pulau Langkawi is filled with mystical stories from Mahsuri's curse to the Tasik Dayang Bunting; lake that was said to make girls pregnant. My family and I went there by Malindo Air. The airplane tickets were on promotion at that time. We stayed at Citin Hotel. Citin Hotel is a budget hotel that is simple and cheap. But unfortunately, my bed smells like vomit. I guess the last visitor must have vomit there. 

    On the first day, we went to the cable car at the oriental village. the cable car was half priced for malaysian. I took 2 hours to queue but all I can see is mist. Its very sad that I can see the view as the skybridge is closed and the heavy mist is covering it. Besides that, I went to sit on the elephant and feed him. His name is Lasa. my family and I got a complementary coffee in Bolaven Cafe or you can call it the tiger cafe. Its nice seeing a tiger up close while sipping on coffee.

    On the second day, we went to the mangrove tour. I went in the bat cave, fish farm , eagle sightseeing and the beach. The experience was great as I was a city girl and wanted to become an environmental engineer next time. I could see how the ecosystem is supported. Oh I forgot! I went into the crocodile cave also. The crocodile cave was very creepy cause out of 9 boats that tries to enter their, only 1 boat get to enter. The tour guide used to say that there were many crocodile here but they were scared by the boats. On the other hand, I also went to the underwater park. It was quite disappointing as it has less animals.

    On the last day, we went on a city tour. The city tour cost about RM 120 for 4 hours journey around the island. The taxi driver brought us to the eagle statue which is the heart of langkawi and a bird park which was great as you can feed the animals but the maintenance there was horrid. You can smell the bird shit just a stone away. Then, he brought us to the galeri perdana where we can see Tun Dr. Mahathirs' collections. we went to the kraf tangan museum; the craft museum before we go up the airplane to KLIA. I actually quite enjoy this trip. I hope I can go more of this trip!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The world is always dangerous

     From young, my mother taught me that the world is evil sometimes. The world is a dangerous place and my parents trained me for years to face the outside world. The world is actually very peaceful but many people complicate it. People deceive, betray and turn to soulless person to get what they want but not what they need. But I am no here to break your hope or something like that, I am trying to tell you that the world will always have these sort of two-faced people. 

My friend was very active in animal shelter projects that she contributed most of her time for it. I used to help her in some of her project. There was once when one of the biggest event finish, she gave me a souvenir to remind me that I had done my best for the abandoned animals that time. Along that souvenir, she gave me a message and it was written on the souvenir. It said “The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it and didn’t do anything!”

There was once a car accident where a young girl was knocked down a long time ago in China. But there was nobody who wants to save her due to this she died when rush to the hospital as it was too late. It was reported that the reckless driver hit and ran and almost 20 passerby ignore her. The world is dangerous not because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it and didn’t do anything!

The time I got this souvenir, I cherish it as it finally brings a purpose in my small life! I knew I need to do something in my life as I only live once. That was when I decided to pursue environmental engineering because nobody is defending our mother earth as big corporates reap her apart to get profits for their business. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The flute player

I am having a little bit of the writer block today.  Maybe I will just tell you a story. A love story!
                It started with a tune.  A tune where represented the union of two lovers from the past and present day. In their past life, the girl was a peasant girl and the boy was a swordsmen. He was the legend of his time. He was someone whom the community respects a lot. But the girl was just a peasant girl whose feet were not bounded. For a girl with unbounded feet, she will remain as a slave. The boy and girl met in the mountains. The boy was searching for some herbs while the girl was carrying pails of water down the mountain. The boy was playing a tune with his flute after searching for the herb for a long time.
The girl heard the tune and became curious. She tried to find the main source of the flute. She found him but also invited some guests along. Those guests are no friend of man. They are wolves. The girl screamed and ran away from the wolves. The flute player tried to save the girl but the wolves already left a large scar on her face. Her face was bleeding profusely. She cried and dare not return home as she knows her master will hurt her. The flute player took sympathy and took her into his family. She was known as the wolf girl in his family. Sooner the flute player begins to admire her beauty within. He knew he couldn't be with this slave girl but his heart was already with her. He tried reasoning with his family but all failed. He asks the girl for a hand in marriage but the girl knows her duty. He tried explaining to her that he love her for many times and ways.

 Finally, the girl accepted him as she had a crush on him all the while after he saved her. They ran away and started a new life but tragedy struck when they met a witch that envy their love. The witch put a curse on the flute player and if the flute player meets the girl, her scar will start to ache and pain is just not tolerable. The girl doesn't mind the pain as long she can meet with him but the flute player couldn't bear hurting her. He ran away and the night before he told the girl who was sleeping by his side that he will meet her in the next life. The flute player told her that love is not about meeting each other but making sacrifices. In the next life, he says that he will play their tune again. The girl cried in sleep after the flute player left their house. 

My other half

Hi hi, I am back from my study semester!! XP Although I haven't finished my exam but I really felt relieved that my CGPA paper is done. I have lots to tell you guys but first! During the semester, I was sad as I keep seeing many of my friends finding their love ones and I am stuck with myself. I was emo-ing half of my semester. My housemate ask me why am I so desperate for a relationship? Well, sometimes it’s nice to have someone who shares your happiness and sadness. But when you are single, you have nobody to share too. This semester, I really felt alone. I felt the sadness from being alone just like an astronaut stuck in space without anyone to help. 

I was sad until I met a tarot card reader. It must be destiny to see the tarot reader as that day was the first time I went to block K to eat. There is where I met the tarot card reader. I was sad and sick of being alone. I somehow felt like asking this tarot card reader. All the while, I never believe tarot card reading but this change me!!

          Somehow, I felt a force telling me to go try her service. So, I just try. To my amazement, the thing she says about me in the past was so true. Well, she told me that in the past, I search for such love but at one point I was hopeless. She knew until now I had no boyfriend. And in the present she knew I was finding it again as my peers found their other half! I tried not being amazed but deep down I was shocked.

          She also told me not to worry as my other half will be there when I am financially stable. She told me that my other half will think me as a gift from god, an angel that descended down from heaven and I will be his main point in his life. He is a very mature man and a career-minded man. He will be the exact character as me! He is a guy that wants to start a family with me. I was blushing all the way because I knew that someone is there for me!

          Due to this factor, I felt alive again. I knew that I can get true love although I am ugly and fat. I was just happy since that day. No more emo days. She also advises me that if I wait for him, I can get him. I will wait for him!! Wherever you are my other half, I can’t wait to spent an eternity with you.