Sunday, November 23, 2014

Best test game ever

     Gosh, today I woke up with the most killing and aching back. I needed to apply analgesic cream all over my body and I slept for 16 hours. Its not the tiredness that I want to complain here but the worth of all this.

     Yesterday, I had my test game for my camp program. I love the epicness of the games. Although there are still many thing to improve but be sure that I enjoyed it. I couldn't believe that I could carry my friend that weighs around 48 kg all around the field for a game. I even carry another 52kg girl with the help of my friend. There is a blindfold game that I needed to find my teammates. This game is quite scary but its super nice because I need to find the boys first. The boys in my team is super funny. They keep yelling. There was another funny part that the boy gave wrong direction and the other person couldn't find him. Hahahaha. I love such things. That is why I continue to join events.

     Study can't give me such things. Only events. I really admire my leader. He really kept it professional. Thank you so much and for the ride. I know after the test game activities, you must be tired but thank you for fetching us back home. 

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