Thursday, November 20, 2014

Light at the end of the Tunnel

     My friend once told me that there will be light at the end of the tunnel, if you can't see the light you have traveled enough yet. I do sometimes doubt her theory but I finally understand it. This past few days, my good and "best friend" came and haunt me this few days. I can't eat and sleep properly. Its mainly because of a lecturer that pushes me too far. I am not sure is it she has high hopes on me or not but every time I meet her, she gives the vibe to me that I need to do better. No matter how high I got, she wants the perfect one. In a nutshell, she is great but she does push me too far till my inner demon started to come out and haunting me a few nights,

      But like what my friend say, there will a light at the end of the tunnel. I saw this great facebook features that promote friendship. I went and click into it and omg the memories just flood into me. I remember all the say details of what happen in that picture but I forgot the message over the years. There was a few inspiring words that my friend had sent to me over the years, Ex:

1. Remember our promise to get be the top ten most successful people in the country.

2. They have Einstein, Archimedes and Barack Obama but I have you

I love these quotes and somehow my inner demon disappear after I teared up after seeing the video. I can't give up. I made too much promise to many people. I need to fulfill the promise. YEA!!! 

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