Thursday, October 23, 2014

Somewhere I belong

     The song somewhere I belong from linkin park is one of the best song ever sung by linkin park. The feelings and lyrics delivered is full of impact. It makes me wonder where do I belong to. What group? With group, you will always have the drama. For example, people say I am super chatty and extrovert. Do I belong there? Nope! I also do love my alone time. My time with just music banging into my ears. If I do not have a time for myself, I will be fully exhausted. I still like to do things alone.

    So do I belong in introvert group? Not really!! In a week, I need to come out once with my friends. Just some contact with the outside group is great. Okay now, what about the clever student group that always demand perfection? I can say a fact that I don't really demand on perfection! I just study and get good grades. I am not those achiever that sighs when I didn't get 10/10 for a test. If I know I improved then I will be happy already. So, maybe the super cheerful group? Well for people who don't know me, they will think that I am always happy. There was once a boy who says that I look like I strike lottery everyday. But for those who knows me, they know that I have my emo episodes. I would just shut myself from the world with music. Maybe dance to it when nobody is looking. Music truly relives my soul. Any bad things or memory that happen to me will be gone when I listen to the music. Listening to the emotions and falling in love with the meaning of the song is the best morning pill.

    In fact, I don't belong to anything or any group. I belong to myself. If I do things that pleases me and makes my inner child happy like she got the first candy in her life, I am content. I know when to be chatty, when to be happy in front of people and when to shut myself from the world. I strongly don't believe that I should show any sadness to anybody. They have their own problems. I don't want to be their problem. I want to be the reason why they smile. Not the reason they frown. I love to help people cause I know the situation where you had no help. All the pressure on you and nobody to help you lift it up. The pressure will seem like a very small weight but it will build its pressure over time and you will feel the pressure ten times after awhile. People who have been down this path knows very clear that help should be given if we can. This is because without any of this help, hope seems so dark and life seem so painful. Don't go down that road. You belong to yourself. Love yourself more than anyone else cause its your life not theirs. They can just decide that one day to leave you but you can't.

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