Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The bus theory

     I have my own theory on life. Life is a bus. The moment you were born, you are on a journey. You don't know which direction should you go first? To turn right or turn left? The first few miles of the bus ride will be guided by our parents. They teach us to move in the direction that a ethical person should go. They will show us the road that is bad or good and continue to direct you though you mess up. But trust me, never let them be the driver of your bus. If you wish to make a right turn, do make it. They will not be the driver of the bus but you. If they want you to be a doctor and you know deep down you want to be a dancer. Follow where your heart direct you. Your heart is where your dreams belong to.

     Besides that, people that get in to your bus can be a great company or just the absolute worst. People that enter your bus are like associates, friends, enemies and lover. They may stay awhile in your bus or stay there till you reach your destination. Sometimes, great company may just leave along the way and you might be hurt but always remember that when people leave, others will have the chance to come in. Maybe that great company that left you will be replaced by a greater company.

     However, not a bus ride are the same. It might begin on a hard road then goes smooth or vice versa. It might be a U-turn, a roundabout or even a stop at the traffic light. No matter what or how is your ride, you all will end up to the same destination. That destination will be death. Therefore, always remember that its not the destination that count, but the ride to the destination. 

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