Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Food Poisoning

     Sorry that I didn't update my blog yesterday. Well its because of the stupid food poisoning that I had yesterday. Do you know what I hate more than period, its fever. Any guess what I hate more than fever, its fever and food poisoning. Fuck the food poisoning!!! Yesterday I vomited 4 times and diarrhea more than 5 times just on the damn contaminated food I ate before. I had to go to the doctor and take 5 different types of medicine: one for stomach pain, diarrhea , gastric, vomiting and antibiotic. Haih life right!

     Actually this food poisoning was not so bad cause the last one I had was worse. Although I didn't vomit but I had diarrhea for 3 days. I prescribed medicine myself. Western or chinese medicine also I had taken but I just keep purging for 3 whole days. The food was eaten by 2 of my other housemate and they also got the same condition as me. I still remember the uncle who sold this to us. He was the uncle who sold chicken rice and has a white van. He also sells those kuih muih. I am never going to eat that store again. Never in my life ! Anyway thanks for hearing me rant about my food poisoning.

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