Monday, September 23, 2013

Past Life

     Have you ever wonder what your past life would be like? Have wonder whether you were a woman or man? It may be funny but its still a question. A question that I have also ask myself. I wonder it , daydream it and maybe dreamt of my past life a few times.

     Once, I dreamt I was walking and then I heard a sharp siren like the siren you hear when the enemy plane fly past. I started running and running till I fell into the drain and I woke up from my dream. Weird dream but it doesnt look like any of my ordinary dreams as it is not from my era. Maybe some may say its just my imagination but it was really real to me.

     Why am I certain past life happen? It is because we have reincarnation. Reincarnation is when The concept of reincarnation starts when our souls may experience many lifetimes over centuries, maybe even thousands of years -- has been present in virtually every culture since ancient times. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Aztecs all believed in the "transmigration of souls" from one body to another after death. It's a fundamental precept of Hinduism (from Stephen Wagner).

     FYI: In the religious mythology of China, souls are prevented from remembering their past lives by the deity Meng Po, also known as the "Lady of Forgetfulness", who gives them a bittersweet drink that erases all memories before they climb the wheel of reincarnation.

    Many have said that the place where you were shot or killed was your birthmark. Remember I told you on the running dream when a siren was on. How can I fall down so easily if I was running for my life and when I had no obstacle in front of me but a long tar road. I must have been shot or hurt at my leg. Well my leg has a birthmark. It was at the ankle and its how my mom always say she identify me. Again I wonder if my birthmark symbolizes anything of my past life.

    Besides that, the person you see may come from the past life but different in the relationship. They also said that dogs you rear are those people who promise to pay your deed in the past life. The dogs' past life might have promise to protect you till next life. Therefore they turn into dogs. I am not very sure how true are this must its just nice to know.

    Well, try and ask yourself a question have you wonder how your past life was 

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