Sunday, September 29, 2013


     The feeling of having a wings is just a feeling of freedom. Free from restrain and other boundaries. Able to fly up in the sky where the limit has no boundaries. In this 21st century, people are getting more and more depress. Feel sad over the emotional neglect that society have shown us. The society that tell us to be caring at the same time lashes out brutal insult at non-mainstream thinking. Just a feeling of wings is what I dream of and wish to give people. Here is a poem I compose myself.

worries are like each metal bar created
to hold you down
to form a cage
worries will not let you go
it traps you
it lets you dwell in misery
worries can be cleanse only by
forgetting and forgiving others
creating happy memories
which will then weave to wings
flying to the soaring high as
dreams and hope
can be achieved.

    First time composing. sorry if it is bad hehe!!

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