Saturday, June 7, 2014

Just a few steps more...

OMG, its already week 2 Saturday of my year 2 sem 1 term. I still need to have 2 more weeks then I am as free as a bird as all my events are finally over.. I have been so freaking stressed up this couple of weeks. Having two events is okay if you love them but the thing is that when you love one more than the other.

Its not that I couldn't stand the hard work. In fact the event I love the more require more time and energy to be invested. I feel happy and like a part of a family when I go do my favorite event. I don't doubt myself and my capability to run this event. I will always love you Healthy Lifestyle Campaign 2014.

 On the contrary, my other event have people who hates my guts and makes me miserable every time. I gets stressed up every single fucking time I go for their meeting. To those mother fucker who hates me well just continue your way cause I know that what I am doing is true to myself.

My beloved event committee really supports me and makes me feel good. They say that they are glad I came to their life. I feel so touched when I hear this and they become good friends with me. While the other event, the committee "so called engineering student" behaves more childish than my younger sister. I really hate them. They make me feel so unwelcome. Doubt myself constantly due to them. And I hate it when they defended a stupid action and try to justify it to me and my vice and ask me why I need to bother them. Hello you people are doing an event. Grow up please!! I hate them so much.

Why god you give me both the sweet and bitter fruit to bite the same time. I feel so lifeless and dead every single waking moment of my life. Just a few steps more...

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