Thursday, June 26, 2014

That moment

     We all had a moment in life that you wish to turn back and change it. Maybe it would change your whole life. Maybe life wouldn't be like this. So if you have a moment to change what would you change ? This story I known was similar with this incident.

     Since form two, Vanesa didn't think that love would come knocking softly on her door. She knew it was love but she was afraid I might be despair or pain as most of her life that was what she had. She met Mitchel when she was 14 years old. Mitchel was just the nicest boy in the class. He sits in front of her and always help her with homework. Simple gestures like giving her his notes when she haven't copy finish, laughing at her jokes and just smiling at her makes her blush as no other boys do that to her. She wasn't the prettiest girl and she knew that that was the reason why some boys don't talk to her. But Mitchel was different, he was talking to her and smiling at her. Day by day, Vanesa fell in love with Mitchel.

     Vanesa didn't dare to tell it to Mitchel cause she don't want to lose this boy in her life. When she reach form 3, she still sitting behind Mitchel in class but the class teacher, Pn. Nor Aini wanted her to sit the other side as the other side boys were too noisy. When she knew this, she was sad as she couldn't sit with Mitchel anymore. That was the time she met Kris. Kris was the noisy bunch of the boys. He was completely different from Mitchel. He was the bad boy type. He always ask Vanesa for help as she can understand the class better and he was a slow learner. Vanesa still misses the times with Mitchel.

     After the May Mid-term examination, Vanesa heard rumour going around that Kris was starting to like her. Once, she heard Kris telling his friends on how beautiful Vanesa was especially her eyes. Although Vanesa knew Kris's intention was good but her heart was captured by Mitchel and she don't want Kris to fall in love with her. Once, Kris wrote a love letter and left it at Vanesa's table. It wrote there

" After rain, there will always be a rainbow,
The rainbow is a beautiful and captivating creation by God,
Its colour bring meaning to life,
You are my rainbow,
You bring meaning to my life,
You are the colour that shine my dark pathway,
I wish to see you everyday and hope one day you will be with me"

     After seeing that letter, Vanesa was so scare that Mitchel may see it. She hides the letter away but Jane; a friend of Vanesa saw the letter and read it. She told Mitchel that Vanesa got a secret admirer. Vanesa was so afraid to lose Mitchel. The next day, Mitchel ask Vanesa whether she need someone to protect. He ask Vanesa why would she be friends with Kris and whether she would like to switch places behind him. He wanted to protect Vanesa but Vanesa knowing how Kris may react. She was so afraid to accept Mitchel offer and said " I can protect myself" to Mitchel. Mitchel look so devastated as Vanesa didn't wanted his help.

     Somehow, Kris found out that Vanesa was in love Mitchel. After knowing this, he beat up Mitchel during physical education class. Both of their parents had to come to school and Mitchel was traumatized after this incident. Vanesa knew this case and was so devastated that Mitchel got hurt. Vanesa drew a line with Kris and didn't want to talk to him anymore. Mitchel also started to distant from Vanesa and it broke her heart. Since that beatings, Mitchel was never that close to Vanesa. Till now, her heart still yearns for him. Now, it had been 3 years she didn't talk to Mitchel. They went on completely different road leaving a scar behind. Even until now, Vanesa didn't dare to accept any boy's offer to be her boyfriend as nobody could replace Mitchel in her heart.

    That moment when she declined Mitchel offer to protect her was the most regretful moment in her life. If she didn't decline Mitchel, maybe she would be studying in America not in her local Malaysian university. Maybe she could hold Mitchel and love him with all her heart. Maybe Mitchel was her one true love and she lost it due to fear....

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