Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The best scolding I got

      Have you seen in movies or dramas when a person change his or her ways after getting scolding from a character in the movie? Well you can say that the same situation practically happen to me last night. I was used to be my whining self, thinking of the past and not letting go of the past grudges. My housemate had enough and she scolded me. 
    When she screwed me, she scold the part of me who wants to fight the demon in me on being too weak. The warrior side of me was awaken. When that side of me awaken, I cried in front of her. It's unusual for me to cry in front of somebody but yesterday I did and it was bad. My housemate told me that she can imagine how bad I cry when I am alone. She told me to stop this madness and I can do it cause she had done it. She told me that she used to cry every night too and she stop and realized it was stupid to cry every night. She told me that I can do it. She say the world will be cruel but as long as you are not then your own soul can cope with it. 
      After hearing her, I stopped crying for a few seconds and I look at her and she suddenly ask me whether I want chocolate or not. I was so surprised that she was willing to give me chocolate after scolding me. But then I realize that after every bad thing, a good thing will happen. After she scold me, she gave me a chocolate. 

     Later, she gave me a sticker that says "I am your bandage." She told me that now she gives this to me but after I recover, I must give it to another person and heal that person wound like how she heal mine. I couldn't sleep later thinking on how foolish I was back then to dwell in the past.

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